Sunday, October 30, 2016



Last weekend my family and I had lunch together.
We choose this place because it's just 10 minutes away from our house. Really nice place to go shopping and eat.
A variety of shop and restaurant/bar, lake with a rental pedal boat.

Friday, October 28, 2016

How it feels to live in different country (Asian in the USA)

Before I start to write about my experiences living in this country, I want to apologize if I use incorrect language or grammar.
 Just be honest, English is my second language and I'm Indonesian so, Indonesia is my first language.

I live in this beautiful country since December 2014, which is almost two years.
Before I lived in Ohio, but on August my family and I moved to Maryland.
It's been very thoughtful time for me to live in a new place, with new people, and everything is new. The most difficult part so far was language.
I totally didn't know what to say for the first few months I lived here.
 I learned English since I was in first grade in Indonesia but it doesn't mean I use it often.
 Moving in this country help me and force me to use English all the time and no matter where I go I have to speak using this language.

In the very beginning of my life story here was in high school and I was a junior high school student. Some people understand that I can't speak English, but some people don't and they began to treat me differently.
 I couldn't speak using English but it doesn't mean I couldn't understand what they were saying.
 I didn't really have any friends because I didn't know how to interact and socialize with them.
 When other people in my class talking about their planning to hang out,
 I just sat on my chair and doing my homework.
 Actually, I had a big change in my life. Before I moved here, I had so many friends,
 I felt all people like to be around me,
 but I didn't really care about my homework and stuff because I was busy with my clubs and other activities outside of school.
Nevertheless, since I'm here I don't really have so many people around me besides my family.
I was so depressed one time and I really want to go back to my country,
 I feel like I wasn't me at all.
But my family always support me until today, they said other people isn't the key for you to be a success, just think the thing that makes you be success in the future.
 At the same time, I realize that school is my true path.
 After that, I really focus on my school, doing all assignments, talk more to my teachers, use my free time to read the books and learn how to speak English.
One by one people come into my life and as the time goes, I became a senior high school which is much better than my junior year.
I have new classes, I start to make a friend, being the smartest student in my classes.
 I don't even believe that I can do it, but because my hard work and times that I spent are worth it.
 I'm not trying to be arrogant or something, but sometimes we just have to believe that there is no impossible in this world.
 After a year a little bit over I got three awards from my high school.
Moreover, now I have a job and next year I will be a college student.
 Hopefully, in my college years, I don't have any issue with my English language :)

This short story is my real experience.
 I believe with myself that everything happens for a reason.
 Maybe some people out there who live in a new place or country still trying to go through a hard time, but believe that this time is not going to be forever.

 There will be a time in the future you get a light and your life becomes easier.

Liburan ke New York


Hampir semua orang yang tinggal di Indonesia pasti pengen menginjakan kaki di negara Paman Sam. Salah satu state yang paling popular adalah New York.
Liburan tahun lalu kami sekeluarga berkesempatan untuk pergi ke sana. Perjalanan sekitar 5 sampai 6 jam dari rumah dengan mengendarai mobil memang melelahkan, tapi sesampainya kami disana rasa excited mengalahkan rasa tired.
Salah satu tempat yang paling berkesan adalah Times Square.
Karena waktu itu adalah seasonnya liburan jadi orang yang berkunjung ke TS juga banyak banget. Tapi kebanyakan pengunjungnya adalah tourists, maksudnya bukan orang Amerikanya sendiri. Times Square di New York dikelilingi oleh gedung-gedung pencakar langit, big commercial screen, dan ditengah tempat ini kaya ada stage kecil.

Karena nyari parkir disini susah, dan kita cuma bisa parkir di tempat parkir khusus buat pengunjung. Akhirnya kita jalan beberapa blocks. New York emang seru, tapi macetnya bikin keriput. Dipusat kotanya mirip macet dijakarta, banyak taxi, mobil, cap, dan pengunjung jalan yang serawutan, tapi perbedaannya disini jarang sekali ada penjual kaki lima dipinggir jalan. Gak kebayang kalau tambah penjual-penjual, mungkin semuanya gak bisa gerak. 

Tempat selanjutnya yang kami sempat kunjungi adalah Governor Island. Awalnya kami berplaning buat ke Statue of Liberty National Monument, tapi berhubung waktu kita enggak cukup karena akhirnya kita mengunjungi different island. Dari Governor Island ini kita bisa melihat Manhattan city keseluruhan. Buat menuju ke Island ini kita naik kapal dengan harga ticket yang sangat cheap, berkisar $2/person dan hanya a few minutes. Di area ini nggak seramai Times Square, jalannya cukup lenggang. 

Ini dia sedikit cerita liburan pertamaku bersama keluarga di New York.
Hope you guys love it!